Project Purpose
The aims of the projects are:
• To help you maintain important priorities affecting your effectiveness and longevity
• To integrate into your life and practice
• To help you reflect on your life and experiences and find the lessons God would have you learn
• Timeline (Where have I come from?)
o Boundary Events/Critical Incidents
o Influential people (mentors)
o Key lessons (values)
o Social base history
o Calling & Giftedness
o Other important threads (eg. Physical history, if health issues have been prominent)
• Inventory (Where am I now?)
o Personality & Gifts
o Values
o Social base
o Spiritual Practices & Pathways
o Mentors
o Issues
• Life Purpose Statement
Inclusion of these elements, along with timely completion of weekly assignments, is the basis for evaluation of your project.
• Personal Mission
o An inventory of your cultural learning: strategies for language learning, cultural mentors, other learning strategies & opportunities
o Relational inventory of people that you are getting to know
o Personal time and work management strategies and what you are learning about how you work best
o Goals for the next 6 months/one year for each of the above
Posting Date: Friday, February 8, 2008
Reply Date: Monday, February 11, 2008
1. Spend at least one hour continuing this work by adding new elements to your timeline, and/or by fleshing them out with brief narrative descriptions.
• Start with these four elements:
o Boundary events: events that mark a major change of phase in maturity and/or ministry (see definitions and types in notes and electronic worksheet)
o Critical events: other events that impacted your life in important ways—negative and positive
o Influential People
o Key Lessons: truth recognitions that have formed your values
• Then add other significant factors to your timeline:
o Social Base History: chart how your social base has changed through moving out of home, changes in family of origin (divorce/death), marriage, having children, etc. (some of these may coincide with events you have already recorded)
o Calling and Giftedness: chart your first awareness of your various gifts and your calling into ministry (some of these may coincide with boundary events or key lessons)
o Other important personal factors: determine for yourself if there are other parts of your timeline (such as your health or financial history) that would be important to trace in order to have a complete understanding of where you have come from
• Note: you are not trying to get this material into its final form—just compiling all of the information
1. Read through Notes on Personality, Giftedness, and Values
• Fill out your own Personality and Giftedness Profile in the LLD worksheet (tab: Giftedness), or create your own in the format you have chosen
2. Look over the materials you have already created to begin to discover your own values:
• Personality/giftedness profile
• Timeline incidents, influences and lessons
• Prioritizing Core Values Worksheet answers that you wrote during FO1 (fill this out if you have not already done it; update any answers with new thoughts if you have)
3. Write between four and ten values that you see as being key to you personally.
• Write not only the value, but a description of that value (for examples, look at the end of the Notes on Values)
• Cross-reference these with where you see them coming from in your timeline or giftedness profile
• Note any scriptural basis for the value you have written (references)
• Mark any values that you find are more aspirational that real
1. Read through notes on Social Base, Spiritual Pathways, and Mentors. You may want to also refer to a book on spiritual disciplines.
2. Write a description of your present social base using the following questions (also contained in the LLD Excel worksheet):
• Married: What is your present social base pattern? (Refer to notes for descriptions.) Do you see this as temporary or evolving (and if evolving, into what)? How do you feel you are doing at balancing marriage, family, and work? How does your spouse feel about your social base pattern?
• Single: Who are your functional substitutes for family/spouse? How do you feel about your singleness at this time? Do you sense any gifting for singleness?
• Also read back through your timeline concerning your social base history and note any past issues that may be affecting your present experience.
3. List spiritual disciplines you are currently practicing and any current mentors that you have. (You may want to refer to the notes on mentors or the LLD Excel worksheet to remind yourself of various types of mentors.) Also note 1-2 other disciplines or spiritual practices you would like to add to your present ones.
4. Refer to the work you have already done (timeline, values, and personality/giftedness profile) as well as the descriptions you have just written and come up with a list of 3-5 principal personal issues that you are currently facing, plus a possible mentor for each that could help you address them (either a current or potential mentor. This list should not include work issues per se (except for such things as balancing work and family).
• Possible issues might include such things as:
o A past painful incident/chapter that keeps surfacing and needs healing
o Issues with parenting or marriage
o Spiritual journey
o Financial issues
o Persistent character issue/weakness
o Physical/mental health
• Note: If you have an issue with another person, such as a spouse, a child, or a team member, attempt to address or describe it in terms of your part of the problem rather than theirs, since this is for you to hold the mirror to yourself rather than to analyze them.
• It may also be interesting for you to “map” these issues in a graphic way to see how they interrelate and overlap—in what way each issue affects and touches the others.
1. Read through notes on Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Hospitality.
2. Make an inventory of your cross-cultural learning thus far:
• Language learning so far
• Cultural mentors or guides
• Classes or books you have read on your country or city, or cultural understanding in general
• Other ways you are continuing to investigate culture
3. Make a relational inventory of people you are getting to know inside and outside your community. Divide them into categories that will help you to map your relationships, such as:
• National or expat
• Good friend vs. acquaintance
• Believer or pagan
• In church community or outside
• Source of contact (school, neighborhood, class, park, pub, etc.)
4. Go through the work you have just done and set some goals:
• Make plans for future language and cultural learning, noting specific objectives for the next 3 months and 12 months.
• Mark those relationships that you particularly want to pursue further and note how you will do this.
• Also note places that are particularly fruitful for relationships, and note how you can continue to emphasize your contacts there.
5. If you are working with a group from the same city on the City Tour: set a time for next week to get together to discuss your format and division of content.
6. Post online:
• One of your cultural learning objectives AND
• A description of one or two people that you are most excited about getting to know currently
7. Read all other posts and respond to at least one of them.
1. Read through notes on Work Issues.
2. Record your approaches to time and work management over the last few months, including:
• Guidelines or principles that you have adopted
• Strategies that you are using
• Scheduling practices
• Accountability structures
3. Evaluate these approaches and set some goals on how you would like to improve them in the next six months.
4. Set an appointment with a leader within the next week or two to discuss material you have compiled so far in your Personal Mission and Personal Profile.
There are a few weeks allowed between the end of the Week 6 assignment and FOw for you to finish the projects on your own. During this time you will not be required to post except to respond to logistics questions for FO2.
You should use this time to:
• Get your Personal Profile (Timeline and Inventory) in its final format
o You should also use this information to write your Life Purpose Statement, which is the final element of your Profile (see notes on Timelines for materials on and examples of Life Purpose Statements).
• Format your Personal Mission
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- Your Life Purpose/ Mission Statement and Values
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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