Wednesday, December 10, 2008

adam's apest

Adam’s APEST Test
Shepherding: 21
Teaching: 20
Prophetic: 19
Evangelistic: 15
Apostolic: 4

APEST is a ministry assessment emerging from the most comprehensive statement of ministry structure, that of
Ephesians 4:7,11-12. Within this passage we find the fivefold ministry of APEST: apostolic, prophetic, evangelist,
shepherd and teacher;
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it... It is he who gave some to be apostles,
some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be shepherds and teachers, to prepare God's people
for works of service, so that the body of Christ.
All five ministries are needed to engender, call forth, and sustain a full ministry in the Jesus movement. In fact, all
five ministries in dynamic relation to one another are absolutely essential to vigorous discipleship, healthy
churches and growing movements. Ephesians 4:7,11-12 assigns APEST ministries to the entire church, not just
leadership. All are to be found somewhere in APEST – a leadership model characterized by a servant-inspired
Copyright © 2007 Alan Hirsch, Forge Mission Training Network and Leadership Vision Consulting. All rights reserved. The Forgotten Ways is available at and local book retailers. More information at: and
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Primary 1: Shepherding 21
Shepherding leadership influence by nurturing, protecting and caring for people. Shepherd leaders primary function is as the care-givers of individuals. Shepherding leadership is the people–oriented motivator who develops and supports healthy relational systems. In a leader, he or she has the unique ability to know and understand the needs of people and the ability to develop others. Shepherd leaders focus on the needs of today and manage people through meaningful and personal contact. Often the Shepherd leader has a unique understanding of other’s feelings and emotions, creating a sincere relational bond. He or she will seek to create
safe environments for meaning spiritual growth and discipleship. A Shepherd leader believes in the need to seek to resolve the needs of today at the expense of the focusing on needs of tomorrow. He or she is a humanizer, they provide the emotional glue for the caring of individuals within an organization. The Shepherd leader impacts the community through nurture. The Shepherd leader influences others by their deep love, care and protection of those in their care.
Humanizer of care and concern
Caregiver to people in need
Unifier of an organization
Patient and timely with care
Cultivates loving and mature relationships
Aware of the spiritual network within a community
Core issue if love for people
Desire to see people cared for, connected and understood
Expresses God’s love through creating healthy communities
Seeks the dignity and respect of each person

Primary 2: Teaching 20
The genius of Teaching leadership is their ability to reveal and communicate the wisdom of God. Teaching
leadership inspires others to learn and obey the Truth of Christ’s teachings and commands. In a leader, he or she
is the one who explains and seeks explanation of the truth. The Teacher leader focuses on the integration of truth
into the personal and social elements of the community. He or she can be seen as a systematizer, seeking to
organize various intellectual and practical parts into a working unity. With this type of understanding, the Teacher
leader advances a cause through clear and simple communication. Teaching leadership articulates organization
and structure to others for the fulfillment of a cause or task. The Teacher leader impacts the community through
understanding. The teacher leader influences others by clarifying the mind and will of God so people gain wisdom
and understanding.
Communicator of Truth
Philosopher of ideas and principles
Translator of great complexities
Systematizer for solutions
Guides others through wisdom and understanding
Encourages exploration in thinking toward solutions
Core issue is understanding
Have a curiosity to know more and to explain this knowledge
Strong desire for people to understand teachings and wisdom of God
Willing to take the time for people to understand for themselves
Prophetic: 19
Evangelistic: 15
Apostolic: 4

Secondary 1: Prophetic 19
The genius of Prophetic leadership is the ability to discern the spiritual realities in a given situation or community.
He or she is a questioner, freely disturbing the status quo and challenging individuals and organization to move in
a different direction. The Prophetic leader impacts communities through integration.
Evangelistic: 15

Secondary 2: Evangelistic 15
Evangelistic leadership communicates the gospel message in a way that people respond by having greater faith
in themselves and their purpose. In a leader, he or she is a communicator / recruiter, taking the organizations
message to the outside, and convincing them of it. The Evangelistic leader impacts the community through
Apostolic: 4

Secondary 3: Apostolic 4
The uniqueness of Apostolic leadership is the ability to pioneer new, innovative and mission minded works. He or
she is an entrepreneur, a groundbreaker and strategist seeking to initiate an organization or individual’s purpose
and mission. The Apostolic leader impacts communities through extension.

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