Sunday, May 31, 2009

Strengths Finder Themes

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Restorative- we can see problems going to occur. Anything can be made whole. Restoration of all things. Can point you out of trouble. Typically don’t speak up.

Restoative includer- restoration sounds negative- want to be included more than speak up. (not a power struggle to; just want to be heard)

Relater- know intimately, more people specifically. Come to faith through relationships, mentors.

Positivity- negative conversations make you physically tired. Choose to believe that somehow it will work.

How do we feel valued? Some feel valued when people listen to them and they can have some input. With others that doesn’t matter. Some it’s time.

Respect is key to team dynamics.

Learners- when it gets predictable they are ready to move on.

Intellection- takes time to process. Lindsey is a verbal processor. “Here’s what I’m thinking about right now.” “I will get back to you in ____ days” give them the respect to give a time. Write the agenda items that we want to talk about to Darrin.

Input- ability to retain stuff. Collection of different kinds of info.

Includer- Identify with the margins or being on the outside.

Harmony- sacrifice themselves for sake of can’t we all get along or they take action
Focus- needs shorter specific goals. Refine role in yg to smaller role that he can stick with. Want to give themselves away to things that matter. Very clear.

Empathy- emotional thermometer. Not easy to put emotions to words.

Developer- incremental improvement. One step at a time. Progress. Need to see progress. Not necessarily fast but steady.


Context- New idea makes them pivot backwards. What has happened in the past to make them

Connectedness- what we see is caused by God or a higher cause. See the patterns. Physical things have spiritual meaning.

Competition- not just about winning. We want to measure ourselves by something else. Is about themselves but want

Communication- is desperate to be understood. Will tell the same story many times to make sure they are understood. Help you find word to what is inside of you. When communication fails with them you criticize them. Then you just want to prove that what you said makes sense more than communicate you idea. Good- “Could you say that in other words”

Command- Don’t have to be in charge. Can be shepherd’s best friend. Collie. Happy to be number two. If we think the shepherd will take the sheep off the cliff than we will take over.

Analytical- want to punch holes in you idea. How sound is it? Not Personal! Include them early in your projects; they are less likely to punch holes in things they create.

Adaptability- works best with clear cut goals and boundaries. Expect and need them to change.

Activator- work hard right away

Achiever- believe they are the work that they do. Love lists for joy of crossing things off. Need to learn to work and celebrate. Vacations are usually hard for achievers.

Sources: Vision Trekk and Strengths Finder

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