Most people can’t put words to what God has put inside them.
Is anyone’s life better because of mine?-Mike
My calling is about me. You don’t know my calling. It’s personal.
God’s image in us… to draw that out.
Dream and envision what God can do in you.
Assumption “anyone can be good at anything if they just work hard enough and give them the right information.”
Not true.
14 billion brain cells firing at any given moment
450 mph that they fire
synaptic connections- only the strong and most used brain stems stay.
7-9 years old brain’s synapses are established.
3000-4000 number of decisions a person makes in a day. How you sit, food, most are instinctual.
15-22 is the finishing process to the brain pathways. (maybe this is why 80% of people come to Christ before they are 18)
2 million interviews conducted to create the strength’s finder.
400+ dominant patterns of thought, feeling, behavior
80,000 interviews with managers
Combined patterns and narrowed down to 34 themes
We get back top 5 but we get scored on all 34. There are three dominant themes that run the rest.
1 in 33.5 million is how unique we are statistically.
It takes 12.5 seconds to accurately answer someone’s question. That is why they give us 20.
Psychometric- a scientific tool that measures cognitive formation and function.
Assessment- psychological tool that measures a psychological response to a stimulus or question.
Q. Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.
1.7 mil people asked in many countries – 20% said yes.
Talent- a spontaneous, repetitive, natural reoccurring pattern of though, feeling, behavior.
Could be anything.
Talents are the building blocks of theme.
Theme- a grouping of common talents that possess recognizable skills, knowledge and experience.
We can start to understand why certain people act a certain way and how we see each other.
Strength- A theme productively applied. Must produce life in you and those around you.
Strengths have consistent near perfect performance.
You can loose track of time while doing your strength.
Fit- environmental fit- does my team or organization cultivate and sustain my
Social fit- do people around me expect me to act in my strengths?
Personal fit- do I feel like I am in alignment with my team? Am I getting to use
my strengths repetitively? Am I seeing personal growth?
Strengths are descriptive and not prescriptive. The give words to what is already there. Strengths are morally neutral. No good strengths no bad strengths.
Healthy human development is a life long process
Source: Vision Trekk and Strengths Finder
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